Monday, July 6, 2009

my thoughts for the day

Just learnt this afternoon that my colleague is resigning without a job.
I hope that she will quickly find a job that she likes in the shortest time.
Its sad when one has to work in a team and is not accepted as a co-worker.

I think team building spirit can be built up with sports, in games such as football, basketball etc where each and every player has a role and must cooperate with one another to score their goals.

Another decision that I came to is that there is no such thing as lifelong employability. One has to look after his/her interests in the long term. A job does not offer security in times like this, loyalty will not pay off. You are employable so long as you are of value and can contribute to your employer.

So if I will be of use, I can still continue to work at my company. No point dwelling on what-if unless one can be certain of the future and make plans accordingly.